Fresh Roses Melt-Away

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Drop this fun bath goodie into your tub and breathe in the beautiful scent of freshly picked red roses.

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SHIPPING NOT AVAILABLE IN SUMMER: Because we cannot control the temperature from our door to yours, we do not ship Melt-Aways in the summer months as we don’t want a melted product arriving at your doorstep!

Drop this fun bath goodie into your tub and breathe in the beautiful scent of freshly picked red roses. Watch the cocoa butter slowly melt in the warm water and moisturize your entire body! The scent of fresh roses will linger on your skin long after bath time has come to a close.

We added a dash of bicarb and citric acid to add a bit of fizzin’ action to the melt-away — these two ingredients are used in bath bombs to create the “fizz.”

Ingredients: Rose fragrance oil, cocoa butter, bicarb and citric acid


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